Perusing through blogs and FaceBook posts I see the tug of war amongst food allergy parents. It ranges from "put your kid out there in everything and let them live life" vs. "hold on to them cautiously and monitor them closely". I've heard comments like "it's in God's hands", or "you can't expect others to change". To start my thought, I have an inexplicable respect for any parent who manages Food Allergies in a world so content on supporting the wrong end of the cause. I think that the tug of war comes from the social frustrations accompanying our lack of control and trust in society. Frustration that we aren't going to be able to control things so we have to give up a little of that control and put responsibility on others. By doing this you are allowing a little room for error and therefore leaving the control in "God's hands". An example of this invisible trust is sending your kids to school and trusting o...
An inside view of the food allergy epidemic. Sophia is a 6 year old living with a life threatening food allergy to both milk proteins: whey and casein. She is anaphylactic to even the touch or breath of a concentrated protein. She, subsequently, suffers from hives, excema, and respiratory symptoms to the touch of a slight presence of either milk protein. She is among the many other children in the U.S. suffering with food allergies. There is no cure, no treatment, only avoidance.