Halloween Tricks & Non-Edible Treating With Halloween coming up, and all of the psycho movie trailers barricading television, this "food allergy mom" can show you a reality trailer of a scary trip! You know that moment when you become terrified and your brain has been programmed to call 911? This scenario can be a false sense of trust for food allergy families. Under ordinary circumstances seeing the rescue squad or having the P.D. show up in a scary situation would usually give a sense of relief, but for us in the food allergy world it's another level of educating authority . We need to eyeball the scene for signs of food in their cars, ambulances, bodies--anything that can add additional danger to our kids. So when "help is on the way," don't get tricked into thinking your part is done, and make sure "the help" isn't about to add to the danger. One of my biggest nightmares is calling 911 for anaphylaxis right after the EMT's l...
An inside view of the food allergy epidemic. Sophia is a 6 year old living with a life threatening food allergy to both milk proteins: whey and casein. She is anaphylactic to even the touch or breath of a concentrated protein. She, subsequently, suffers from hives, excema, and respiratory symptoms to the touch of a slight presence of either milk protein. She is among the many other children in the U.S. suffering with food allergies. There is no cure, no treatment, only avoidance.