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Showing posts from November, 2013

The Spirit of Change--365 days and it's a wrap!

 The single most popular statement of observation Food Allergy (FA) parents hear is how hard it is for others to understand our predicament. That's a prickly feeling to hear to be honest. Probably because FA parents live and breath food allergy thoughts around the clock, so it becomes unfathomable to think others haven't given them a single one. It seems absurd that with peanut-free schools and planes, and with growing story-lines about anaphylactic reactions to food in the news, that this is just a completely foreign conversation, or that the mind has never wandered there. A problem for just us FA parents alone to be concerned with? That we need to understand why others don't give it a thought or bother to care, however, it's irrational that we expect that they do care? That as a nation we're more concerned that our children have freedom of food choices than safety of foods and food labeling. Ignoring that the cause of this growing food allergy epidemic is still un...