A Little Food Allergy Etiquette I would imagine that being in unfamiliar territory around a person with a life threatening food allergy is about as awkward as it is having one. There is always an ambiguity about what the expectations are, and if you're willing to work with them. My experience is that most people do not want to be a part of any accountability for themselves or their children, so our greatest struggle in our unique roles as FA (food allergy) parents has been consistency with relationships. It's a constant struggle between trying your hardest to make social settings work, and throwing your hands in the air with frustration toward others. So what is food allergy etiquette? It's all about honesty, communication and compassion. FA parents plan ahead for everything, so there are very little allergen loopholes that can arise if you're communicating with us. The goal is to keep our children plugged in socially without making them feel inadequate for circumst...
An inside view of the food allergy epidemic. Sophia is a 6 year old living with a life threatening food allergy to both milk proteins: whey and casein. She is anaphylactic to even the touch or breath of a concentrated protein. She, subsequently, suffers from hives, excema, and respiratory symptoms to the touch of a slight presence of either milk protein. She is among the many other children in the U.S. suffering with food allergies. There is no cure, no treatment, only avoidance.