Food allergies require people to read labels, learn what 6 syllable ingredients really are, and look into manufacturing and handling practices on foods to avoid cross contamination. Food allergies initiate the science of knowing what you are eating, where it is coming from, and who is handling the food before you touch it and it goes into your mouth. With all of this knowledge we are transformed out of the chronic stage of blissful food ignorance and into the enlightened stage of being terrified about what we are really eating and annoyed at the false advertising! With food allergies aside we are eating some pretty scary things! We are chemically wired (literally) to want unhealthy high fat, high sugar, and over processed foods. The thought of having to remove these convenient comfort foods from ones diet stirs up some defensive responses in the general public. People struggle with this "sacrifice" so much that, even though the majority of these foods are unsafe around a chi...
An inside view of the food allergy epidemic. Sophia is a 6 year old living with a life threatening food allergy to both milk proteins: whey and casein. She is anaphylactic to even the touch or breath of a concentrated protein. She, subsequently, suffers from hives, excema, and respiratory symptoms to the touch of a slight presence of either milk protein. She is among the many other children in the U.S. suffering with food allergies. There is no cure, no treatment, only avoidance.